Friday, July 3, 2015

Fast Friday

Like I said a couple of times before, Friday would get here fast and the week would be over. Well here it is, and we are all trying to pack and get ready to head to the airport at 1:00 AM Saturday.

It has been an absolutely great week. Lots of studies, including today, and 6 baptisms. Three of the baptisms happened today. It was great that all of these individuals decided to put on Christ. The seeds were sown, and God is giving the increase. In the coming days and weeks, the local church at Burnham Drive will follow up on the many studies that were started with people here. We pray that God will continue to give the increase.

Tonight we set a record with 217 people attending services. It was an awesome evening that was successful due to so many peoples hard work and dedication. Thanks to all that made this mission effort possible.

I say it every year, but as much as we will miss everyone down here in Guyana, we are all ready to get to our homes and see our families. So, in about 2 hours from the time that I write this, we will start the long journey home. We should be back in Birmingham by 10:00 PM local time. I will try to check in as we travel through Miami and/or Atlanta, but if not......

'til next time.
Our Group Friday Morning

Our Group with our Local "Guides"

Kimberly, Myself and Brea, my Helpers

Joel and Onika

Che, Onika, Joel and Ann

Christian and Althia

Christian, Althia, Kalissa, and Corey James

Thursday, July 2, 2015

A Tired Thursday, But a Good Tired

We knew it would be a long day, and we weren't disappointed. After all the rain yesterday, today came the heat. We were definitely reminded that we are close to the equator here, very hot today. As everyone is feeling great, we still have to reach back and grab that extra energy this time of the week. We probably are relying on adrenaline more than not at this point, but we will preserver nonetheless. We held 23 studies with 17 people today. Somewhat fewer than the last few days, but by this time of the week, we are down to some serious salvation studies. And, we are taking our time.

The best news of the day, is that a new sister in Christ was added to the church. Ms. Yvonne Marshall was baptized into Christ. Glenn Till and Quincy Collins had been studying with her when she chose to make that decision. Praise God. There are several more people that are very close to making that decision as well. Pray that God will continue to give the increase.

Tonight we all ran by the hospital and visited, and prayed with patients. We were able to give them fruit baskets and some information about the church. This is always one of my favorite times of the week.

At class tonight, you could definitely tell it wasn't raining, as 184 people attended. If we surpass 200 Friday night, we will set a new record. We are blessed to be a part of this great community revival.

By this time Friday night, we will be packing and grabbing an hour or two of sleep before heading to the airport to come home. Continue to keep,us in your prayers.

'til next time..........

Glenn and Ms. Yvonne Marhall

Quincy, Yvonne, Glenn and Pauline

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Over The Hump

The climb up the hill for the first part of the week is over. It wasn't a long climb because the week is going by so fast. It will even go by faster the next two days, and before we know it, we will be making the 2:00 AM drive to the airport in Georgetown to catch our flight back to the States Saturday morning.

Today started off great. A man name Patrick that Glenn and Quincy studied with, decided to obey the Gospel. He has an interesting story in that he has been a Rasta for some time, and after a recent accident where he wa badly injured, he started questioning the truth. He was seeking, and the right teachers came along to show him the good news. Thank God.

The rest of the day went like the others so far, good studies with great people. Today we held 26 lessons with 27 people, with more lined up for tomorrow and beyond.

All day we got to experience what I think of when I think of the tropics, wet, rainy, humid conditions.  It rained more today than I can remember the last seven years I have been here. Most of us stayed soaked, but feeling good about sharing the Word. As the night classes rolled around, only 120 people were in attendance. I am blaming that on the weather. A lot of people walk here, and don't drive, so the rain will keep folks in doors. Hopefully, with better weather, we will have more people come to services tomorrow night.

Thursday will be a busy day for sure. We will go to the market early in the morning to buy fruit and juice that we will take to the hospital to give to the patients and hospital staff, tomorrow night for encouragement. There is a planned road closing at the only bridge crossing the river tomorrow, so,we will have to take boats back and forth across the river to go to and from the area of town we are working. It should be an interesting day. Looking forward to it, for sure.

'til next time........
Glenn About to Baptize Patrick Peeres

Pauline, Her Uncle Patrick, Glenn, and Quincy