Sunday, March 13, 2011
Back in the USA
Whew! That was a long night. Well, we're sitting safely in Miami. Good to be "home". We are all tired and ready for a nap! Our next flight, AA3611, should land in Birmingham at approximately 12:20 PM a little later today. Keep us in your prayers. 'Til next time.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Wow! That's all I can say about yesterday's trip to Machu Picchu. It was a long 19 hour day, but very worthwhile. Words and pictures cannot describe Machu Picchu, or, this entire week for that matter. There comes a time in every mission trip where you kind of roll over the hump and your at the point of ready to go. As much I was into this trip and enjoying and being uplifted each day, I'm officially ready to come home. We'll leave Cusco today but won't arrive in Birmingham until 12:20 PM on Sunday. A lot of airport waiting. Here's a few pics from yesterday. 'Til next time.......
Como se Llama?
Our Group
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Thursday Night Thoughts
Well, it's Thursday night and the "official" campaign is over. After an unsuprising long day , we (the entire campaign volunteer staff) were treated to a nice banquet consisting of Peruvian style chicken cor-don-blue, potatoe salad and peruvian style music from a live band. A few of our group even got in on the act. It was definitely a nice way to stop and relax and reflect and enjoy the work that had been accomplished this week. Today's session was no different with well over a hundred Bible studies and more than 260 patients seen. People were definitely touched physically and spiritually. For this, I am a witness. So much for an early night. The bus for Machu Picchu picks us up at 3:30 AM, or, 4.5 hours from now. 'Til next time.....
Don't Know if She wanted Her Picture Taken
"My" Reception Team
Peruvian Band and Dancers
Dennis Joinin' In
The Entire Team. It took Everyone.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
One More Day at the Clinic
One day left for the medical campaign. So far, these first 3 days have been exhausting as I have said. But I feel good every evening went I sit down to reflect and write. Today 240+ people were treated. When we walked to the building this morning, there was already a line of 40+ people waiting to get in. There will be even more tomorrow. Also, each day the Bible studies are getting more and more with phenomenal enthusiasm. This Church will definitely keep on growing. After another long day at the clinic tomorrow, we will have a banquet at the Church building, and then go by a market to buy some snacks etc. for our Machu Picchu trip on Friday. When get to the hotel it will be a quick note on the blog then off to bed. Did I say we were having to leave at 3:30 AM to go to Machu Picchu? We will take a bus for 1.5 hours, then board a train and ride for another 1.5 hours up through a picturesque valley, before we get on another bus to take a 20 minute winding ride up the side of a mountain to the entrance of the park. We won’t get back until late Friday night, then it will off to the airport on Saturday. You know, the 12 hour days standing almost constantly suddenly don’t look so bad. ‘Til next time…..
The Line Waiting to Get In
One of our More Vocal Patients
Jason Hard at Work
Another Jason and Rick Hard at Work
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Medical Clinic Day Two
Medical campaign day 2 completed. Another long, but great day. We saw 220 patients, a lot of them with vision problems. A few people were older than 94 and 100 years old. Yesterday there were 17 follow up Bible studies scheduled. Today, there were over 100 Bible studies held during the day and 30 plus follow up studies scheduled. That is really what our goal is anyway, to sow the seed. We are just able to do that, and help those with medical issues at the same time. All of this is extremely hard work and taxing on all of those involved. But, you know, I’ve never met a mission trip that wasn’t. ‘Til next time……
Waiting Was Full All Day
Rush Hour With Cabs and Combi's
A Young Peruvian Boy Playing on the Sidewalk
Street Vending and Street Living
Monday, March 7, 2011
Day One Medical Clinic
I was right. It was a long day, but successful. On our first day operating a medical clinic here in Cusco , we treated (or at least the doctors treated) over 150 people for a myriad of ailments. I merely got them registered and headed to triage where all their vitals were taken. These are definitely long days but very worthwhile. Also, a lot of people chose to take part in Bible studies while they waited in line to see the doctors and nurses. That was very encouraging. I definitely should have learned a little more Spanish, but I’m getting along pretty well. I’ll probably be fluent by the end of the week. Right? Here’s a few pics of today’s activities. ‘Til next time………
Blood Pressure Check at Triage

On-going Bible Studies
Physical Therapy
The Final Wait Before Seeing The Doctor
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Worship and Fellowship
Today we had a great day of worship and fellowship. Even though the service was conducted in all Spanish, I was able to follow along quite well. After service we set up the medical clinic for the work we are doing this week, had a great lunch of grilled chicken breast and wing served with French fries, then, we went to the artisan market where we could purchase gifts etc. For supper, we went to the Plaza (like the city square) and ate at a place called the Inca Grill. My main dish was grilled trout with potatoes, tomatoes, capers and olives. It was very good. I did, however, try Alpaca meat and cevice’ style fish. Both were surprisingly good, especially the Alpaca meat. Well maybe tonight my head won’t feel like it’s going to explode. I’m going to go now and try and get some good sleep. We’ll eat B’fast at 6:30am and meet at the church building at 7:15am to start a long but good day helping some of the local peoples. ‘Til next time……..
One of the Views of the Plaza
One of the Cathedrals at the Plaza
The Largest of the Cathedrals in the Plaza
A New Day
After a so so nights sleep, I awoke to another huge headache (along with some of the others). I took another handful of Ibuprofen and a little breakfast with 3 cups of tea. I feel suprisingly good at this moment. Jason M checked most of our blood oxygen levels, and, we're all a little on the low side. In other words, the 2 days or so that I was told it takes to acclimate to this altitude, 11500 ft, seems to be holding strong and true. Here's a couple of pics that show the views from my hotel room. 'Til next time.......
The View Behind our Hotel
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Safe in Cusco!!
Well after a mechanical problem sent us to another plane in Lima this morning, we finally arrived in Cusco, albeit a little late.What little scenery I´ve seen so far has been amazing. Today was filled with a much needed nap, a handful of Ibuprofen, good food and a meeting about our upcoming clinic. After what I hope to be a full nights sleep, we´ll attend worship tommorrow, set up for the medical clinic then have a chance to shop and eat at the Plaza. I will start uploading some pics tommorrow evening as we are just now figuring this internet access thing out down here. It helped once we were given the security code by the hotel to login. ´Til next time.......Goodnight
Friday, March 4, 2011
Under Way
Well we're off! We left Birmingham, AL at 1:05 PM today en route to Cusco, Peru via Miami then Lima. As I write, we are in Miami involuntarily participating in a 7 plus hour wait until our next leg which leaves at 11:50 PM eastern time. As usual, people watching has been oh so entertaining, but I'm not sure if it can quite hold me over until our next flight. But it is interesting to know that such people really do exist in this world! After an overnite flight, we should arrive in Lima, Peru early in the morning. Then, it's off to Cusco, to the hotel and then a long nap, hopefully. Importantaly, however, our group is safe and well. 'Til next time.....
Mike, Dennis, Nancy and Jason Leaving Birmingham
We Already Look Tired
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