Saturday, March 5, 2011

Safe in Cusco!!

Well after a mechanical problem sent us to another plane in Lima this morning, we finally arrived in Cusco, albeit a little late.What little scenery I´ve seen so far has been amazing. Today was filled with a much needed nap, a handful of Ibuprofen, good food and a meeting about our upcoming clinic. After what I hope to be a full nights sleep, we´ll attend worship tommorrow, set up for the medical clinic then have a chance to shop and eat at the Plaza. I will start uploading some pics tommorrow evening as we are just now figuring this internet access thing out down here. It helped once we were given the security code by the hotel to login. ´Til next time.......Goodnight

1 comment:

  1. Glad you all made it safely. I look forward to reading your updates this week.

    God bless your work for the next few days!

